Congratulations! is for sale

There’s nothing worse than working really hard to come up with the perfect name for your business, and then discovering that the domain name is not available - or even worse, that someone already has the great idea and the name…

That’s happened to me more times than I care to admit.

And to make it worse, I’d send the owner an e-mail asking if it’s for sale, and they’d respond with a $100,000 price tag – like that domain name is gold! Aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!

I’m not a domain name investor. If I purchased a domain name, I intended on using it for one of my projects. And if you’re reading this, I’m obviously not using it, and I feel like I should make it available to someone like you. So my loss is your gain!

I’m not looking for a fortune! I’m just looking for a fair and reasonable price for what I think is a great name. So here’s how I prefer to work: Just click the button below and fill out the form below. All I ask is that you make a fair and reasonable offer, and I’ll give you a very quick yes or no.

Please – know two things before you send me an offer:
  1. I’m not into negotiating, and I won’t go back and forth on a purchase price. Just name your best and final offer, and I’ll either agree, or not agree. And even if I don’t agree, I’ll give you the courtesy of a quick and polite response.
  2. There’s a possibility that I purchased this domain name from someone else. That means I didn’t just get lucky and pay $10 for it. So please, don’t insult me by offering $10 for the name. Fair enough.

  3. Finally – My terms are clearly and simply stated right here – my terms are my terms, and I won’t do it any other way. No hanky-panky. I’ll give you the same respect.

    You want this name? Great!! Then let’s make it work for both of us!

    Just click the button below and fill out the form. Here’s to your success!

    Will Ezell (owner)